Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions:

To the extent permitted by law we will in no way be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage, however caused including through negligence, which may directly or indirectly result from or relate to the use of this Website or websites of other entities which are linked to or hyperlinked from this Website (hereinafter "Links").

We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Website or Links. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

We may, from time to time, change or add to this Website without notice. However, we do not undertake to keep this Website updated. We are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on this Website or if that information is not up-to-date.

We hereby specifically exclude, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all representations, warranties and other terms from this Website.

Offers and Deals

All offers and deals are subject to terms and conditions, which can change under the discretion of Hawkers Wok.

Specific Terms and conditions can be found here.


It is the responsibility of the customer to inform us of any known allergies or sensitivities before purchasing or consuming our products or using our services. We shall not be held liable for any adverse reactions resulting from known or unknown allergies or sensitivities to our products or services, provided we have exercised all due care in informing our customers of the presence of allergens as per regulatory standards.

This Website is our copyright property. All rights are reserved. Access is granted for your own personal use only.

Except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable law, you must not in any way adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, transmit, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this Website, and you must not commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of this Website, without our written permission.

Trade Marks
All trade names, trade marks, service marks, logos and other names and marks displayed on this Website (hereinafter "marks") are proprietary to their respective owners and are protected by applicable trade mark and copyright laws.

Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting any license or right of use of marks belong to any other person or entity which is displayed on this Website without their express permission.

If you use any of our marks, you must include a statement attributing that mark to us. However, you must not use any of marks as part of your own marks, in connection with activities, products or services which are not ours, in a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive, and in a manner that disparages us or our information, products or services (including this Website).

This Website may display Links. Such display should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation, or preference by us of the owners or operators of those Sites, or for any information, products or services referred to on those Sites. Your access to any Link is entirely at your own risk. Unless stated otherwise on this Website, we have no relationship with the owners or operators of those Links, and we have no control or rights in connection with those Links.

Electronic Messages
By your access or use of this Website, you consent to us sending electronic messages to the electronic addresses which you provide to us.

The term "Cookies" is used to describe small pieces of data stored on a web browser on a computer. Websites commonly use Cookies to track information about visitors' usage of sites, provide customised content or assist in the use of password protection. Note that some web browsers can be configured to allow Cookies to be accessed by web servers other than the originating web server.

You may configure your web browser to disallow Cookies or to notify you when a Cookie is received, allowing you to either accept or reject it. For further information about working with cookies, you should visit:

for Internet Explorer, visit www.microsoft.com
for Safari, visit www.apple.com
for Firefox, visit www.mozilla.com

Note that the sites listed above may also cause a Cookie to be stored on your web browser. If you are using a web browser not listed above, please consult your user documentation or the manufacturer.

This Website may store Cookies on your web browser in order to assist you in your subsequent visits to this Website.

Applicable Laws
These Terms of Use are governed by the laws in force in New South Wales, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts in respect of any proceedings in connection with these Terms of Use or this Website.

Anti-Spam Notice
This Website exists for the purpose of professional communications only and must not be used nor construed in any way as to infer that we consent to receiving unsolicited electronic messages of any kind.